Milk powder
Farmel supplies skimmed milk powder, full cream milk powder, Sweet Whey powder, and lactose. Due to our large and stable volume of milk, Farmel is able to supply milk powders and derivatives under various labels, based on your specific requirements. We supply various types of milk powder that meet your required contents.
Are you interested in our milk powders? Contact us directly.

Whole milk powder
In this category you have the choice of Low Heat, Medium Heat or High Heat. Farmel supplies full cream milk powder in 25 kg packages, 1,000 kg bigbags or bulk transport.

Skimmed milk powder
Skimmed milk powders contain no more than 1.5% fat and at least 34% protein. You can choose Low Heat, Medium Heat or High Heat skimmed milk powder. We supply skimmed milk powder in 25 kg packages, 1,000 kg bigbags or bulk transport.

Whey powder
Whey powder is the dried residue that remains after the production of cheese. After undergoing various treatment processes, whey powder can be used in a variety of products, such as baby food, chocolate, ice cream, baking products and dairy products. Farmel supplies whey powder that meets your desired specifications.

Farmel as a milk powder supplier
Farmel is a reliable business partner in the sale and procurement of a wide range of dairy products. One of the products we can supply is milk powder. Thanks to our large network in the sector, we can oparate flexibly in the growing market. Because of this, Farmel can supply you with the milk powder you need. Interested in learning more about Farmel as a milk powder supplier?
Our brands
Farmel supplies multiple types of milk powder under various brands all over the world. In this process, a constant supply of high-quality products is very important. In order to guarantee reliability and safeguard continuity, Farmel has entered into long-term collaborations with various parties

Holland Dairy Foods®
Holland Dairy Foods® is Farmel's business to business brand of milk powder. It consists of high-quality products. The products of Holland Dairy Foods® are also popular with customers in Africa and Asia thanks to the reliable and consistent supply.